Monday, January 18, 2010

Facebook Posting....For Cryin Out Loud...I heard it thru the Grapevine!

CLICK HERE TO READ POST ON SLANG WORDS...this way, you will know exactly what I am talking about before we get started.

Read ANOTHER Post Today...Gossip just DOES NOT die......This was their post:

Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was burned down in a night while Nero played the fiddle. It is my desire for God to purge us of our harsh, judging, loveless attitude towards the people that we are commanded to love & reveal Christ to. If we think we earned salvation we are prone to be more harsh to others. ...Only ...if we know that our justification is by his grace can we appreciate Calvary...Kenneth B Morgan


My Post would have been this, but to keep from LASHING out again, I just decided to BLOG IT:  

Nope, U never said it better...Rome didn't last, but the Kingdom of God will last forever for the saints of the living God, IF and only IF we live to the best of our knowledge by his WORD.

We won't even KNOW if we ARE Saved till we get to the other side, so if we aren't there yet how can we JUDGE others. All we can do is let scripture speak for itself...and like the Bible said, it is a two- edged sword... It can hurt as well as help, yes, the word of God can also be harsh...everything written was certainly not always lovely...I agree showing love bringing them to Christ...most certainly, but the ones that have BEEN living for Christ and stay UNCHANGED is the ones we need to try to help. I am all about loving and bring those to Christ, if not we would not have had the results that we have had in our ministry and ALL the glory goes to Jesus Christ, we are only a willing vessel that he chose to use, but I believe and know HIS word was written for reproof for all of us and guidelines for us to follow AFTER coming out and being ye separate like he distinctly told us to do, being a NEW creature in Christ Jesus.

God is THE judge of ALL things...His WORD judges us DAILY if we allow it to...we must have a teachable spirit to obey the word of God and ALL of his teachings (not just the ones we choose) or ALL we do is in vain. And NO one EARNS salvation by any means whatsoever. Jesus precious blood that fell from Calvary is what covers our sins, our downfalls, our slip-ups, etc. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God...yes, he said "There is NONE righteous, no NOT ONE", so how can we JUDGE someone. It seems everyone today wants to state their opinion about something until it hits someone between the eyes and then you have been MARKED...I know...I have been Marked...but that is OK...He said we would be ridiculed for his other words, for teaching his word...even on is done on a daily basis...FB is the perfect place, if I so desired to win souls to the Kingdom that way...Jesus said to go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in.

The Bible says if you have a problem with them go to them or do it publicly...this is not even the case...they just post it to their site instead, so you will see it and everyone else will know who they are talking what I post is not a sin and I am NOT judging anyone at all...if it stepped on anyone's toes, it was all scripture based and no one can blame me then for what I say...I have scripture to back it all up...You have God to blame.

I did post a link that did not have anything to do with PENTECOSTALS whatsoever and I am posting it again....just because I believe it this strongly....HELLO, are we so righteous that we cannot take what someone else has to say about the Word of God...I'm certainly not. I want to know anything about the word of God and be reminded of how I am suppose to live...He told us to go out into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in...

Do we know what compel means: 1 : to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly
2 : to cause to do or occur by overwhelming pressure
3 archaic : to drive together

For you see, I am NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it is sooo easy to see that some are...and all my friends know what I am Pentecostal and believe it or not your friends which are non-church goers or church goers of another denomination, know what Pentecostals believe and it is A SHAME of how we try to "sugar coat" the precious WORD OF GOD and what we believe, so that our friends won't think that we don't LOVE them...Yes, I LOVE all of my friends on FB and the ones that believe that hogwash need to wake up and realize that your friends already KNOW how you are suppose to be living and when you don't live what the word preaches, YOU are the ones that are causing them to turn away from God, because you are NOT living it...believe me...there are more out there that have read the Word and know what it says about certain issues..

First off...let me make one thing very, very clear.....
I was NOT and have not been trying to win anyone to God on FACEBOOK...but IF I were...being like the rest of the world is certainly NOT the way to do it.

I was slam-blasted about a post the other day...everything got alright, I wrote them and apologized for hurting them and lashing out to them, but it is STILL going on, things are still being said, grapevines are still talking, and like I told them...I am sorry for the way I did it, but I DO NOT take back the message that bothered them so bad, that they had to comeback with a downgrading comment seconds after it was posted...It was very easy to tell on the FEED exactly who they were talking about. I went to their site and made a comment back, lashing out as they call it, I called it just taking up for myself which is something I usually DO NOT and HAVE NOT done before now and one other time that I was accused of...but a  person can only take so much nonsense when what I believe and how I really am is at risk.

Thank God for the friends in my life that have said things and quoted scripture to me when they didn't even realize what they were doing... Words that made me think and that has gotten me back on track with my creator, my MASTER. What I posted was NOT directed at any certain person...I was told that I should write them in private...I would still be writing them...there are so many doing it now...For a God that NEVER changes...things we say and do are changing drastically, things we once believed in and preached is no longer for THIS GENERATION...I choose the OLD PATH...the path that got me where I am presently at.

I don't mind saying it...I AM ashamed to be associated with things that are posted on brings much "disrespect" toward the church...I have been labeled for bringing accusations against a certain church...I have NEVER EVER named a church on FB...I would never ever do that...they took it that way evidently because of guilt, but I never said that. It is happening everywhere...the Bible did warn us that in the last day, there would be a great falling away...I do have stern platform rules, but would never ever ever limit the lovely people that come and sit in the congregation...I love them unconditionally...I love the platform people unconditionally, it is no different from the Army, Navy, etc. WE HAVE RULES and they must be carried out. I have found a few of this generation seems to HATE rules.  The platform is NOT for a show of who has on the shortest dress or their dress cut the lowest in front...we are looking for a divine move of GOD...we can talk till we are blue in the face, and the ones that do not want to listen will turn a deaf ear, but they do like to read your blogs just for a gossip session...I know because I can read between the lines...and...I heard it thru the grapevine.

Bottom Line:
My prayer to God is that he will ALWAYS set someone in path to steer me in the right direction and to never think that they are trying to JUDGE me, but speaking out that word that someone needs at that moment.

I know what u t thinking... YES, I have been charged guilty lately, but there is a flip side to the story ... Haven't we ALL... Yes at one time or another in our lives we all have judged someone, many times over I would say...I know that for a fact. I heard thru the grapevine.... FCOL 

By the way...I may decide to post a piece of this anyway...